Disroot Blog

Microsoft hostility

As of beginning of december 2020, after hundreds of requests we have been finnaly delisted and so email flow to Microsoft owned email services has been restored!.

As some of you might have noticed, Microsoft (owner of Hotmail, Outlook, Live, Office360, etc.) is rejecting all emails or...

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Roadmap Q4 2020

Hello again. We are round the corner to 2021 which hopefully will be much better than the nightmare that has been this year.

It's been a while since the last post again. Somehow weeks are passing like days this year and in the mist of all the work both in Disroot and our professional and personal...

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Time to switch some lights off

Switching off Matrix and Diaspora.


As you might remember, two years ago we have decided to no longer provide Matrix as a service (Blog post). Reason for that decision, apart from a growing un-addressed privacy concerns, was also the huge server resources needed to operate what is essent...

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First half of 2020

First half of 2020

Hi there,

The first half of 2020 is almost behind us, and it feels like someone packed in at least 5 years worth of events into it. Seems like the few things left for the second half is alien invasion, sun explosion and the discovery of time travel or teleportation. Looking at...

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5 years of Disroot?

Due to a bug in the calendar, where March has not ended yet, Disroot will not turn 5 this year. We are looking forward to 2021 and the 6th year's celebration.

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