Disroot Blog

Happy New Year! - Disroot Annual Report 2018

Hi there Disrooters! We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a great year. 2018 was packed with excitement and plenty of work here at Disroot, all about which you can read in our annual report. Make yourself some hot-coco, sit comfortable and read through the report!

There are few...

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Happy Solstice

First of all we would like to wish you all a late Happy Solstice! For folks on the same hemisphere as us it means days are finally getting longer while for folks living "up side down" the opposite unfortunately. We hope you are all prepping up for your new years resolutions and will have a blast on...

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Disapp, new donation page and planned registrations

The last two weeks had some amazing surprises and developments. It was absolutely and positively motivating for us.

1. Disroot app

Many people have been asking for Disroot mobile app and we repeatedly failed to see the possibility of such app since we run multitude of services that, in most case...

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DisrootApp & Nomad on Fdroid

Disroot.org is a platform providing multiple services for many different use cases. Most of the services offered on the platform already provide their own mobile app but that is ungraspable to the many people who were constantly inquiring about a "Disroot app". Time and time again we've been explain...

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Sprint - Solve registrations

Monday is a mark of yet another sprint. Last two weeks we spent mainly on wrapping our heads around finances. We've moved all of our accounting and financial administration to an awesome looking open source application called akaunting. Antilopa did a great and very labor intense (and definitely...

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