Disroot Blog

DisNews #7 - Testing Lacre on Disroot!

Hi there,

As you know, for the past months, we have been busy with Lacre. Open source, GnuPG based mailbox encryption software. @pfm has been working like crazy exceeding the initial plans and bringing the project to the next level. We have now reached milestone allowing us to finally battle tes...

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DisNews #6 - Catchall mail for custom domain; Improving SPAM handling; Roundcube webmail

Hi there Disrooters,
Been a while since you heard from us. The blogpost we have been planning for July got very much delayed. This was due to the fact we had to take care of some personal things as well as resolve some of the most pressing server issues that made it impossible to release planned fe...

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DisNews #5 - Nuevos servidores; Moviendo el Spam; Nuevos precios; Lacre; Control de Chat

¡Hola, Disrooters!

Como siempre, ¡el tiempo vuela! Hemos estado bastante ocupados estos últimos meses, sobre todo en nuestras vidas personales. Pero también nos las hemos arreglado para tener algunas cosas nuevas muy buenas. ¡Veámoslas!

Nuevos servidores

Gracias a todas las donaciones que hemo...

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Important! - Due to security vulnerability we have switched to different Webmail software!

Dear Disrooters,

Due to published security vulnerability in the webmail software we use we have made a quick decision to migrate to a new piece of software based on Rainloop. Since we had to act fast, we had no time to properly test new software and prepare of all possible edge cases out there....

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Interrupción importante - Correo, Nextcloud, XMPP

Ayer, 30 de enero, realizamos algunos trabajos de mantenimiento en el centro de datos. La tarea principal fue el remplazo de una batería de caché defectuosa del controlador raid que se había roto unos días antes. Aunque el procedimiento transcurrió según lo planeado, durante el proceso de reinicio d...

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