Disroot Blog

New Servers - Extra storage - Nextcloud 13


Changes in TOS:

Due to growing abuse of our services (mainly email) by businesses, who find it convenient to use free volunteer based service provider for the purpose of profit generation, we have added the following section to our Terms Of Service:

Using Disroot services for comm...

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Disroot total Blackout

Hi there.

Today Disroot server had a bit of a tumble.
Due to little mistake, our main server became a total zombie. There was no way for us to bring it back to life other then driving 70km to the datacenter to manually restarting it. Server was down at 14:45 and back up at 16:05

We're very sorr...

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Happy New Year!

We hope you are all enjoying the last days of 2017 and are ready to take on what comes next year.
These last months have been really encouraging for us with all the positive feedback we've been getting, the increase of support and of course the impressive contribution of translations.
We are now r...

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Disroot Total Blackout

First we'd like to start with the big news: As of 3rd November Disroot is an official foundation! This is an important milestone in Disroot's timeline and a validation of our commitment to the project.

This last month was extremely busy, perhaps our busiest so far, as we were preparing the syste...

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A lot of new things

It has been a very busy month. The summer here is ending and Disroot is entering a new chapter.

New Website!

First of all we would like to point out that we have re-built and updated the website. It is now Javascript-free friendly so anyone should be able to view it without a problem. 
We decid...

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