✨ CHANGELOG - Disroot.org ✨
2025.03.02 - #74
2025.02.09 - #73
- LibreTranslate (https://translate.disroot.org)
- Updated to version 1.6.4
- More details here
- Movim (https://webchat.disroot.org)
- Updated to version 0.29.1
- You can now create a new Story by taking or adding a picture, edit it, add a small text and publish it to your contacts. Your story will then be available for 24 hours.
- You can create Bried: it allows you to directly publish a short text to your contacts like on Mastodon, Twitter or Bluesky.
- More details here
- Nextcloud (https://cloud.disroot.org)
- Updated to version 30.0.5
- Lots of changes, some highlights:
- Federated chats and calls (talk with users from other nextcloud instances)
- Whiteboard app becomes offcial nextcloud app
- upload entire folders directly through the web interface
- you can get activity notifications for uploads via share links
- More datails here
- Akkoma (https://fe.disroot.org)
- Updated to version 2025.01.01 and Mangane to version 1.13.4
- More details here
2025.01.07 - #72
2024.12.17 - #HOTFIX
2024.12.03 - #71
2024.11.05 - #70
2024.10.08 - #69
2024.09.13 - #68
- Mail server
- Deployed Lacre.io - end to end mailbox encryption (closed alpha - first production testing)
2024.09.03 - #67
- Forgejo (https://git.disroot.org)
- Security update to version 8.0.2
- More details here
- Roundcube (https://webmail.disroot.org)
- Updated to version 1.6.9
- Regression fix after recent security update (1.6.8)
- More details here
- Cryptpad (https://cryptpad.disroot.org)
- Disabled Archive retention for deleted files. This should prevent deleted files still being available for retention period of 90 days even when account is removed. From now on, deleted files should be automatically removed.
2024.08.27 - #66
2024.08.06 - #65
2024.07.09 - #64
2024.06.04 - #63
2024.05.15 - #62
2024.03.19 - #61
2024.03.06 - #60
2024.02.13 - #59
2024.01.09 - #58
2023.12.26 - #57
2023.12.16 - #56
2023.12 - #55
2023.11 - #54
2023.11 - #53
2023.10 - #52
2023.10 - #51
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.9.3
- Updated Forgejo to version 1.20.4+1 (New feature: Answer notification directly via email)
- Added links to Password reset, TOS and Privacy Policy on Roundcube (webmail)
2023.09 - #50
- Updated PrivateBin to version 1.6.0
- Updated SearXNG to version 2023.9.19+d013f51a2
- Updated Roundcube to version 1.6.3
- Updated Forgejo to version 1.20.4+0
- Updated Nextcloud to version 27.1.1
2023.09 - #49
- Updated CryptPad to version 5.4.1
- Updated Forgejo to version 1.19.4-0
- Deployed new logo for Akkoma
2023.08 - #48
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.9.2
- SearXNG - Added Onion address in the footer
- Updated Nextcloud to version 25.0.10
- Migrated Prosody XMPP Server to new infrastructure
- Migrated Email server to new infrastructure
2023.07.11 - #47
- Fixed Prosody limits
- Updated PrivateBin to version 1.5.2
- Updated Roundcube to version 1.6.2
2023.06.27 - #46
- Updated Nextcloud to version 25.0.5
- Added Cookbook app in Nextcloud
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.9.1
- Updated SearXNG to version 2023.6.26
- Updated Prosody to latest trunk
- Changed Roundcube persistent login to 7 days
2023.05.16 - #45
- Updated CryptPad to version 5.3.0
- Fixed Lufi inconsistency for max size
2023.04.04 - #44
- Updated Nextcloud to version 25.0.5
- Updated Forgejo to version 1.19.0-2
- Deployed new default theme for SearXNG (with dashboard)
- Updated Akkoma to version 3.7.0 (added new default avatar)
2023.03.09 - #43
- Deployment of new server in the datacenter
2023.02.22 - #42
- Updated Lufi to version 0.05.21
- Updated Forgejo to version 1.18.5-0
- Added Beetroot and some other themes to Forgejo
- Updated Prosody to latest trunk
- Updated SearXNG to v.2023.2.13
- Added Beetroot theme cosmetics to CryptPad
- Updated TOS "8. Using Disroot services for commercial activities"
2023.02.08 - #41
- Updated Forgejo to version 1.8.3-0
- Updated Roundcube to version 1.6.1 and add Context menu plugin
2023.01.29 - #40
- Updated Nextcloud to version 25.0.3
2023.01.24 - #39
- Migrated our Gitea instance to Forgejo version: 1.18.2-1
2023.01.18 - #38
- Updated Lufi to version 0.05.19
- Updated PrivateBin to version 1.5.1
- Updated Gitea to version 1.8.0
- Updated CryptPad to version 5.2.1
- Fixed SearXNG search results from google
- Initial support for Onion addresses for Disroot services
2022.11.08 - #37
- Updated Gitea to version 1.17.3
- Added Disroot logo to CryptPad
- Updated Akaunting to version 3.0.9
- Updated SnappyMail to version 2.20.6
2022.09.27 - #36
- Updated Gitea to version 1.17.2
- Updated CryptPad to version 5.1
- Added Thunderbird labels plugin to Roundcube
- Renewed all TLS/SSL certificates
- Updated SnappyMail to version v2.18.0
2022.09.06 - #35
- mailserver - Enabled catchall feature for custom domain
- Updated Gitea to version 1.17.1
- Updated Roundcube to version 1.6.0
- Updated SnappyMail to version v2.17.4
- Prosody (XMPP Server):
- Updated Prosody to latest trunk
- Increased file upload size to 512MB
- Changed file and chat retention time on the server to 1 month
- Deployed cState (https://status.disroot.org) as a replacement to Cachet (https://state.disroot.org)
2022.07.05 - #34
- Updated Nextcloud to version 23.0.6
- Commenced multiple OS upgrades on number of containers
- gitea
- email server
- privatebin
- jitsi
- lufi
- etherpad
- nextcloud
- Updated SnappyMail to version 2.16.3
2022.06.21 - #33
- Updated CryptPad to version 5.0.0
- Updated Gitea to version 1.16.8
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.18.8
- Automate Hubot (XMPP chatbot) deployment and maintenance
- Introduce changes to mailserver to better handle SPAM (added more SpamAssassin rules, added OpenDMARC, re-added PolicyD for SPF)
2022.05.10 - #32
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.14.1
- Updated PrivateBin to version 1.4.0
- Updated Gitea to version 1.16.6
- Updated Nextcloud to version 22.2.7
- Updated several Nextcloud apps:
- spreed 12.2.5
- checksum 1.1.4
- apporder 0.15.0
- qownnotesapi 22.5.0
- socialsharing_email 2.5.0
- calendar 3.3.0
- appointments 1.12.3
- bookmarks 10.3.1
- forms
2022.03.29 - #31
- Updated Lufi to version 0.05.18
- Updated Gitea to version 1.16.5
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.13
- Updated Nextcloud to version 22.2.6
2022.03.01 - #30
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.8.17
- Updated Gitea to version 1.16.2
- Updated Pleroma to latest OTP version
- Updated Soapbox to latest develop version
- Updated Prosody server and modules to latest trunk
- Deactivated Framadate service (R.I.P)
- Deactivated EtherCalc service (R.I.P)
2021.12.24 - #29(b)
2021.12.22 - #29
- Updated Gitea to version 1.15.8
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.8.16
2021.11.30 - #28
- Updated Nextcloud to version 21.0.7
2021.11.09 - #27
- Updated Gitea to version 1.15.6
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.12.0
- Updated Nextcloud to version
- Updated Lufi to version 0.05.16
2021.11.04 - #26
- Updated webchat/devchat to latest upstream converseJS with small theme additions
- Updated theme for Searx
2021.10.08 - #25
- Updated Gitea to version 1.15.4
2021.09.15 - #24
- Updated Gitea to version 1.15.2
- Updated Framadate to version 1.1.16
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.11.0
- Updated Discourse to version 2.8.0.beta6
2021.07.27 - #23
- Updated Nextcloud to version 21.0.3
2021.07.13 - #22
- Updated Gitea to version 1.14.4
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.8.0
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.8.14
- Updated Lufi to version 0.05.14
- Updated and introduced security fix to Prosody XMPP server
- Introduced SpamAssassin filters via Ansible to further fight spam
2021.05.11 - #21
- Updated Gitea to version 1.14.2
- Updated RainLoop to version 1.16.0
- SSL Certificate renewal round
- XMPP Prosody siskin/iOS push compatibility support (cloud_notify_filters, cloud_notify_priority_tag, cloud_notify_encrypted)
- Dashboard update at https://apps.disroot.org
2021.04.28 - #20
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.4.0
- Updated Gitea to version 1.14.1
- (Email server) Increased Dovecot's IMAP notify interval to 25 minutes
2021.04.21 - #19
- Updated Gitea to version 1.13.7
- Updated PrivateBin to version 1.3.5
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.3.1
- Updated Akaunting to version 2.1.9
- Migrated disroot.org and howto.disroot.org to new container
2021.03.30 - #18
- Updated Gitea to version 1.13.6
- Updated CryptPad to version 4.3.0
- Updated RainLoop to version 1.15.0
- Updated Searx to version 1.0.0
- Updated Etherpad to version 1.8.13
2021.03.17 - #17
- Updated Nextcloud to 20.0.8 together with number of apps
- Updated Etherpad to 1.8.12
- Updated Lufi to 0.05.13
- Deployed updated Ansible role for mailserver in production
2021.02.19 - #14
- Updated CryptPad using Ansible to version 4.1.0
2021.01.09 - #13
- Renew some certificates
- Nextcloud updates:
2021.01.01 - #12
- Updated Etherpad (0.18.7)
- Nextcloud updates:
- GitHub integration - 0.0.16
- Notes - 4.0.2
- News - 15.1.1
- Cospend - 1.2.7
- Discourse integration - 0.0.6
- Reddit integration - 0.0.9
- Twitter integration - 0.0.7
- Internal: roll out new db scripts
2020.12.17 - #11
- Updated Gitea (0.13.0)
- Updated Searx (0.18.0)
- Updated Lufi (0.05.11)
- Updated Etherpad (0.18.6)
2020.09.11 - #09
- Updated CryptPad
- Renew certificates
- Post the blogpost about Deck
- Deployed new backup scripts
2020.08.14 - #06
2020.08.07 - #05
- Deployed proper Ansible on proxy01
2020.07.12 - #04
- Deployed devchat-converseJS
- Deployed Matterbridge
- Deployed properly all vhosts on proxy01
- Updated Diaspora
2020.06.06 - #03
- Updated Discourse
- Updated Lufi
- Updated Matrix
- Process custom domain linking
Updated Nextcloud (postponed due to issues with Deck and Bookmarks reported in last days on GitHub)
- Updated Zabbix
2020.05.29 - #02
- Updated CryptPad
- Updated Matrix/Riot
- Deployed domain linking procedure
- Deployed webmail farm setup
- Nginx change ecliptic curve to support older devices
- Cleanup Discourse from all unused or abandoned categories
2020.05.22 - #01
- Ansible email role in production
- Etherpad redeployment and update to 1.8.4
- Deployed Roundcube on cubetest.disroot.org and roundcube.disroot.org
- Updated Gitea to 0.11.15
- Updated Akaunting
- Deployed Lufi beetroot theme