Disroot Blog

New perk: Extra storage on Cryptpad

New perk: Extra storage on Cryptpad

We have been hosting cryptpad for several years now, and we're really happy about it.

Recently, some disrooters contacted us to see if they could have extra storage on Cryptpad, like we do for mail and cloud. So first we extended the default free storage from...

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Our position on new Meta ThreaTs

Meta (the company formerly known as Facebook and owner of Instagram, WhatsApp and the Facebook "social network") has just launched a new platform called Threads that aims to "kill" Twitter. Every war (real or virtual) brings casualties. And in this one being waged by large corporations for control o...

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DisNews #10 - Migration to new servers complete; Lacre testing in horizon

Hi there Disrooters.

Time flies...
Welcome to the 10th issue of DisNews. Half of the year is behind us and so far no alien invasion happened. Although the world is getting more and more crazy with each month. We hope you are all OK and taking care of yourself and your closest ones.

Here is what...

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DisNews #9 - Spring cleaning; TOR; Forgejo

Hi there,

This paragraph was originally about the fact we wanted to stay more consistent this year and send out DisNews on regular monthly basis. There would be nothing wrong except for the fact that, for some unexplained reason, this blog post draft was waiting to be published for over two months...

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DisNews #8 - First new server and Happy new year!

Hi there,
Almost the end of yet another year. We would like to wish you all Happy Solstice, awesome new year celebrations and great, amazing and incredible 2023!
Here are the highlights of the past month and a half on Disroot.

New server Roos

Previously we have announced the purchase of new se...

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