Disroot Blog

DisNews #8 - First new server and Happy new year!

Hi there,
Almost the end of yet another year. We would like to wish you all Happy Solstice, awesome new year celebrations and great, amazing and incredible 2023!
Here are the highlights of the past month and a half on Disroot.

New server Roos

Previously we have announced the purchase of new se...

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Lacre beta test cancelled

We are sorry to inform that we have decided to postpone this weekend's Lacre test on Disroot. Last weekend, we have unofficially run Lacre on Disroot server. Since all email traffic passes through Lacre regardless whether user uploaded their public key or not, we could observe how Lacre would perfor...

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DisNews #7 - Testing Lacre on Disroot!

Hi there,

As you know, for the past months, we have been busy with Lacre. Open source, GnuPG based mailbox encryption software. @pfm has been working like crazy exceeding the initial plans and bringing the project to the next level. We have now reached milestone allowing us to finally battle tes...

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DisNews #5 - New servers; Moving Spam mails; New Prices; Lacre; Chat Control

Hi there Disrooters!

As usual, time flies! We've been quite busy these past months, especially in personal lifes. But we've also managed to have some nice new things around. Let's see them!

New servers

Thanks to all the donations we've received over the past years, we're pleased to tell you th...

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DisNews #4 - Performance Nextcloud; Framadate et Ethercalc; Domaines personnalisés et XMPP; Lacre.io; fe.disroot.org

Salut les Disrooters !

Nous vous souhaitons à tous une bonne et heureuse année ! Ne parlons pas de la folie qui règne dans le monde et de l'avenir sombre qui s'annonce. Concentrons-nous plutôt sur les bonnes choses de la vie. Imaginez-vous assis dans un jacuzzi (ou dans une piscine froide si vous...

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