Disroot Blog

Nextcloud - performance issues

As you might have noticed our cloud instance is slow and unstable at the moment.We are working together with Nextcloud developers as well as few other instances that are affected by what seems to be a bug, trying to find a root cause.

Hopefully soon we'll have a working fix and everything will go...

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Roadmap and new wave of FLOSS donations, git and new front page

(Sprint 44-45-46)

This blogpost has been overdue for two months! Somehow, even though it was drafted it kept on being pushed down the priority list into the abyss of forgotten tasks. Time to dig it out and post a portion of things we've been working on lately.

Roadmap Q4 2019

We start with im...

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Retournons au travail

(Sprint 43)

Salut à tous. Bien reposés ? Vous avez mangé de la bonne nourriture, visité des sites ? Chouette. Maintenant, au travail !

Ces dernières semaines, comme nous le mentionnions dans les billets de blog précédents, ont été riches en travail. Au point où nous nous sommes rendu compte qu...

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Disroot a 4 ans

Et ainsi le voyage continue. Le 4 août marque la quatrième année d'existence de Disroot. Le petit projet que nous avons créé, en raison de notre besoin d'outils libres, est maintenant devenu une plateforme à part entière. Cette année, bien que cela a pu sembler calme, a été très occupée. Nous av...

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Vamos a la playa

Is it just me or we have the hottest summer ever? We haven't posted anything about our last sprints, and this time we are also late. Of course we can blame it on the weather (thank you Climate change), but with all seriousness we have not spend that time on the beach as title would suggest, although...

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