Disroot Blog

Fuoco, acqua e ghiaccio

[Sprint 49 - Changement de saison]

Che montagne russe le ultime settimane!

Siamo partiti da un gigantesco fuoco che ha attaccato il nostro server nelle ultime due settimane e mezzo. Il tutto è stato causato dall'aggiornamento di PHP (il backend che alimenta il nostro servizio Nextcloud). Sapev...

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Let's get back to work

(Sprint 43)

Hi there. Well rested? Ate nice food, visited places? Nice. Now get back to work!

Past weeks, as we wrote in the previous blog posts, were full of work. To the point we realized we are taking way too much on our shoulders, which means we tend to start things but not finish them on ti...

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Sprint - Solve registrations

Monday is a mark of yet another sprint. Last two weeks we spent mainly on wrapping our heads around finances. We've moved all of our accounting and financial administration to an awesome looking open source application called akaunting. Antilopa did a great and very labor intense (and definitely...

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Sprint - Purge On

Monday we have started new sprint.
Last sprint, was not as successful as we planned it to be. Due to personal issues, and the whole shitshow with abusers, we could not finish things we've planned. We did however, purge lots of abusive accounts, sent out the disroot-matrix closure announcement a...

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