Disroot Blog

Sprint - Solve registrations

Monday is a mark of yet another sprint. Last two weeks we spent mainly on wrapping our heads around finances. We've moved all of our accounting and financial administration to an awesome looking open source application called akaunting. Antilopa did a great and very labor intense (and definitely...

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Sprint - Purge On

Monday we have started new sprint.
Last sprint, was not as successful as we planned it to be. Due to personal issues, and the whole shitshow with abusers, we could not finish things we've planned. We did however, purge lots of abusive accounts, sent out the disroot-matrix closure announcement a...

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Disroot user registration temporary closed

When we started Disroot, we wanted to have a bunch of privacy respecting tools and share them with other people, with a community of those who may share our ethical or technical choices. We had put a lot of our time and effort to build this platform and give the best and useful free and open source...

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Matrix Closure

As some of you might have heard, we have decided to partially discontinue our Matrix server. We discovered Matrix while trying to improve our XMPP server (ironically during the sprint called: "To make XMPP great again!") and realized how great the potential of this new communication tool was. Now...

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New Servers - Extra storage - Nextcloud 13


Changes in TOS:

Due to growing abuse of our services (mainly email) by businesses, who find it convenient to use free volunteer based service provider for the purpose of profit generation, we have added the following section to our Terms Of Service:

Using Disroot services for comm...

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