Disroot Blog

First half of 2020

First half of 2020

Hi there,

The first half of 2020 is almost behind us, and it feels like someone packed in at least 5 years worth of events into it. Seems like the few things left for the second half is alien invasion, sun explosion and the discovery of time travel or teleportation. Looking at...

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5 years of Disroot?

Due to a bug in the calendar, where March has not ended yet, Disroot will not turn 5 this year. We are looking forward to 2021 and the 6th year's celebration.

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So, looks like the world went totally crazy the last weeks. Our cities feel more like ghost towns and we are all trying to avoid contact with others to stop the spread of the virus. While all this chaos is going on, we sadly start giving up our online liberties to the tech giants. Our kids are now f...

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Quarantine with Disroot

Are you bored yet?

Since lots of you (us included) are locked in their houses trying to avoid contact with other human beings, we thought it would be nice to spend this time socializing in front of computer with bunch of strangers you know so well from chats, social federated networks and whom you...

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Der Untergang von Diaspora

Im letzten Jahr hat unser Interesse an Diaspora als Lösung für ein soziales Netzwerk stark abgenommen. Wir wussten, dass irgendwann die Zeit kommen wird, in der wir eine Entscheidung über die Zukunft unseres Pods auf der föderierten Landkarte treffen müssen. Nun ist der Moment gekommen, dem Unausw...

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