Disroot Blog

DisNews #6 - Catchall mail for custom domain; Improving SPAM handling; Roundcube webmail

Hi there Disrooters,
Been a while since you heard from us. The blogpost we have been planning for July got very much delayed. This was due to the fact we had to take care of some personal things as well as resolve some of the most pressing server issues that made it impossible to release planned fe...

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DisNews #5 - New servers; Moving Spam mails; New Prices; Lacre; Chat Control

Hi there Disrooters!

As usual, time flies! We've been quite busy these past months, especially in personal lifes. But we've also managed to have some nice new things around. Let's see them!

New servers

Thanks to all the donations we've received over the past years, we're pleased to tell you th...

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Important! - Due to security vulnerability we have switched to different Webmail software!

Dear Disrooters,

Due to published security vulnerability in the webmail software we use we have made a quick decision to migrate to a new piece of software based on Rainloop. Since we had to act fast, we had no time to properly test new software and prepare of all possible edge cases out there....

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Großer Ausfall - Mail, Nextcloud, XMPP

Gestern, am 30. Januar, haben wir einige Wartungsarbeiten im Datencenter durchgeführt. Hauptaufgabe war das Ersetzen einer fehlerhaften Cache-Batterie eines RAID-Controllers, welche ein paar Tage zuvor kaputtging. Obwohl die Arbeiten wie geplant liefen, wurde während des Rebootvorgangs des Servers,...

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DisNews #4 - Nextcloud performance; Framadate and Ethercalc; Custom domains and XMPP; Lacre.io; fe.disroot.org

Hallo, liebe Disrooter!

Wir möchten euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr wünschen! Lasst uns nicht darüber reden, wie verrückt die Welt geworden ist und wie düster die Zukunft aussieht. Konzentrieren wir uns stattdessen auf die guten Dinge im Leben. Stellt Euch vor, Ihr säßet draußen in einem heißen B...

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