Scribe is a social link aggregation and discussion platform, powered by Lemmy. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others.

Disroot Scribe:

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Source code:

You need to create a separate account on to use this service. Disroot credentials are not supported.

Scribe's features highlights:

Create communities

A community can focus on any topic. Users can then post text, links or images and discuss it with others.


Posts and comments can be upvoted or downvoted, which helps to bring the most interesting items to the top.


Moderation abilities and Public Moderation Logs.

RSS support

It provides RSS / Atom feed support for the topics: All, Subscribed, Inbox, User and Community.


Possible to fully erase your data, removing all posts and comments.


You can subscribe to communities from any Lemmy servers in the world! And since it uses the ActivityPub protocol, this means you can communicate with the Fediverse ("federated universe") platforms and software like Mastodon, PeerTube, Akkoma, etc.

Cross-posting support

A feature that allows you to search for similar posts when you are creating one. It is great to avoid duplicating posts, questions and answers within communities.